Model inspection#
先ほどの Training step で学習されたモデル群についての検証を行うステップである。
Best Model#
AutoGluon のバグのため、それを考慮するため Best Model を2回導出する流れとなっている。最終的に選定された Best Model を追っていく際には、以下のコード以下の部分を読み進めよう。
print("Best model (before): ", predictor.get_model_best())
# Workaround: models_to_keep='best' has a bug that invalid predictor._trainer.model_best is being used
predictor.delete_models(models_to_keep=predictor.get_model_best(), dry_run=False)
best_model = predictor.get_model_best()
print("Best model (after delete models): ", best_model)
# ATML-114: Workaround for AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
# on
if predictor._trainer.model_best is None:
predictor._trainer.model_best = best_model
model_bucket = f"ml-model-{td_site}-{td_stage}"
model_object_key = f"{td_account_id}/{td_user_id}/{model_name}"
複数のモデル候補の中で、Best Model が何であるかを出力。今回はアンサンブルモデルである WeightedEnsemble_L2
Best model (before): WeightedEnsemble_L2
WARNING: Deleting model LightGBMXT_BAG_L1/T0. All files under ag_models/models/LightGBMXT_BAG_L1/T0/ will be removed.
WARNING: Deleting model RandomForestGini_BAG_L1/T0. All files under ag_models/models/RandomForestGini_BAG_L1/T0/ will be removed.
WARNING: Deleting model ExtraTreesEntr_BAG_L1/T0. All files under ag_models/models/ExtraTreesEntr_BAG_L1/T0/ will be removed.
Best model (after delete models): WeightedEnsemble_L2

Fig. 24 Best model(オレンジ色)を可視化。#
十分な時間の time_limit
が設定されていると、多層スタックアンサンブルが行われる。以下の best_model は3層(L3)のアンサンブルが実施された例である。

Fig. 25 3層のアンサンブルが行われ、WeightedEnsemble_L3 モデルが選ばれた例。#
学習の過程で考慮されたモデル一覧が出力される。この情報はオプション設定で leaderboard テーブルとして出力することもできる。
leaderboard=predictor.leaderboard(extra_info=True, silent=True)
if len(leaderboard) > 0 and leaderboard['num_features'].max() > 100:
leaderboard.drop('features', axis=1, inplace=True) # avoid showing too many verbose features, axis=None)
#papermill_description=Store prediction models to s3
model |
score_val |
pred_time_val |
fit_time |
pred_time_val_marginal |
fit_time_marginal |
stack_level |
can_infer |
fit_order |
num_features |
num_models |
num_models_w_ancestors |
memory_size |
memory_size_w_ancestors |
memory_size_min |
memory_size_min_w_ancestors |
num_ancestors |
num_descendants |
model_type |
child_model_type |
hyperparameters |
hyperparameters_fit |
ag_args_fit |
features |
child_hyperparameters |
child_hyperparameters_fit |
child_ag_args_fit |
ancestors |
descendants |
0 |
WeightedEnsemble_L2 |
0.847262 |
6.62134 |
2135.623987 |
0.001967 |
2.658805 |
2 |
10 |
9 |
1 |
50 |
5360 |
33893194 |
5360 |
4224773 |
9 |
0 |
WeightedEnsembleModel |
GreedyWeightedEnsembleModel |
{‘use_orig_features’: False, ‘max_base_models’: 25, ‘max_base_models_per_type’: 5, ‘save_bag_folds’: True} |
{} |
{‘max_memory_usage_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit’: None, ‘min_time_limit’: 0, ‘ignored_type_group_special’: None, ‘ignored_type_group_raw’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs_extra’: None, ‘drop_unique’: False} |
[‘NeuralNetMXNet_BAG_L1/T0’, ‘NeuralNetFastAI_BAG_L1/T0’, ‘XGBoost_BAG_L1/T0’, ‘CatBoost_BAG_L1/T5’, ‘LightGBMLarge_BAG_L1’, ‘LightGBM_BAG_L1/T0’, ‘RandomForestEntr_BAG_L1/T0’, ‘CatBoost_BAG_L1/T6’, ‘CatBoost_BAG_L1/T0’] |
{‘ensemble_size’: 100} |
{‘ensemble_size’: 76} |
{‘max_memory_usage_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit’: None, ‘min_time_limit’: 0, ‘ignored_type_group_special’: None, ‘ignored_type_group_raw’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs_extra’: None, ‘drop_unique’: False} |
[‘NeuralNetMXNet_BAG_L1/T0’, ‘NeuralNetFastAI_BAG_L1/T0’, ‘XGBoost_BAG_L1/T0’, ‘CatBoost_BAG_L1/T5’, ‘LightGBMLarge_BAG_L1’, ‘LightGBM_BAG_L1/T0’, ‘RandomForestEntr_BAG_L1/T0’, ‘CatBoost_BAG_L1/T6’, ‘CatBoost_BAG_L1/T0’] |
[] |
1 |
CatBoost_BAG_L1/T5 |
0.846937 |
0.106822 |
13.246835 |
0.106822 |
13.246835 |
1 |
4 |
19 |
6 |
6 |
2213963 |
2213963 |
446708 |
446708 |
0 |
1 |
StackerEnsembleModel |
CatBoostModel |
{‘use_orig_features’: True, ‘max_base_models’: 25, ‘max_base_models_per_type’: 5, ‘save_bag_folds’: True} |
{} |
{‘max_memory_usage_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit’: None, ‘min_time_limit’: 0, ‘ignored_type_group_special’: None, ‘ignored_type_group_raw’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs_extra’: None, ‘drop_unique’: False} |
[‘streamingtv’, ‘techsupport’, ‘seniorcitizen’, ‘streamingmovies’, ‘gender’, ‘paymentmethod’, ‘totalcharges’, ‘onlinebackup’, ‘internetservice’, ‘paperlessbilling’, ‘multiplelines’, ‘contract’, ‘phoneservice’, ‘partner’, ‘dependents’, ‘onlinesecurity’, ‘deviceprotection’, ‘monthlycharges’, ‘tenure’] |
{‘iterations’: 10000, ‘learning_rate’: 0.07728803796449603, ‘random_seed’: 0, ‘allow_writing_files’: False, ‘eval_metric’: ‘Logloss’, ‘depth’: 6, ‘l2_leaf_reg’: 1.308698577584075} |
{‘iterations’: 197} |
{‘max_memory_usage_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit’: None, ‘min_time_limit’: 0, ‘ignored_type_group_special’: None, ‘ignored_type_group_raw’: [‘object’], ‘get_features_kwargs’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs_extra’: None} |
[] |
[‘WeightedEnsemble_L2’] |
2 |
CatBoost_BAG_L1/T6 |
0.846671 |
0.111467 |
12.598098 |
0.111467 |
12.598098 |
1 |
5 |
19 |
6 |
6 |
1983823 |
1983823 |
446708 |
446708 |
0 |
1 |
StackerEnsembleModel |
CatBoostModel |
{‘use_orig_features’: True, ‘max_base_models’: 25, ‘max_base_models_per_type’: 5, ‘save_bag_folds’: True} |
{} |
{‘max_memory_usage_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit’: None, ‘min_time_limit’: 0, ‘ignored_type_group_special’: None, ‘ignored_type_group_raw’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs_extra’: None, ‘drop_unique’: False} |
[‘streamingtv’, ‘techsupport’, ‘seniorcitizen’, ‘streamingmovies’, ‘gender’, ‘paymentmethod’, ‘totalcharges’, ‘onlinebackup’, ‘internetservice’, ‘paperlessbilling’, ‘multiplelines’, ‘contract’, ‘phoneservice’, ‘partner’, ‘dependents’, ‘onlinesecurity’, ‘deviceprotection’, ‘monthlycharges’, ‘tenure’] |
{‘iterations’: 10000, ‘learning_rate’: 0.08077624862012926, ‘random_seed’: 0, ‘allow_writing_files’: False, ‘eval_metric’: ‘Logloss’, ‘depth’: 5, ‘l2_leaf_reg’: 2.0224538666853173} |
{‘iterations’: 185} |
{‘max_memory_usage_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit’: None, ‘min_time_limit’: 0, ‘ignored_type_group_special’: None, ‘ignored_type_group_raw’: [‘object’], ‘get_features_kwargs’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs_extra’: None} |
[] |
[‘WeightedEnsemble_L2’] |
3 |
CatBoost_BAG_L1/T0 |
0.846469 |
0.112227 |
13.08717 |
0.112227 |
13.08717 |
1 |
3 |
19 |
6 |
6 |
2102763 |
2102763 |
446708 |
446708 |
0 |
1 |
StackerEnsembleModel |
CatBoostModel |
{‘use_orig_features’: True, ‘max_base_models’: 25, ‘max_base_models_per_type’: 5, ‘save_bag_folds’: True} |
{} |
{‘max_memory_usage_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit’: None, ‘min_time_limit’: 0, ‘ignored_type_group_special’: None, ‘ignored_type_group_raw’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs_extra’: None, ‘drop_unique’: False} |
[‘streamingtv’, ‘techsupport’, ‘seniorcitizen’, ‘streamingmovies’, ‘gender’, ‘paymentmethod’, ‘totalcharges’, ‘onlinebackup’, ‘internetservice’, ‘paperlessbilling’, ‘multiplelines’, ‘contract’, ‘phoneservice’, ‘partner’, ‘dependents’, ‘onlinesecurity’, ‘deviceprotection’, ‘monthlycharges’, ‘tenure’] |
{‘iterations’: 10000, ‘learning_rate’: 0.05, ‘random_seed’: 0, ‘allow_writing_files’: False, ‘eval_metric’: ‘Logloss’, ‘depth’: 6, ‘l2_leaf_reg’: 3.0} |
{‘iterations’: 192} |
{‘max_memory_usage_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit_ratio’: 1.0, ‘max_time_limit’: None, ‘min_time_limit’: 0, ‘ignored_type_group_special’: None, ‘ignored_type_group_raw’: [‘object’], ‘get_features_kwargs’: None, ‘get_features_kwargs_extra’: None} |
[] |
[‘WeightedEnsemble_L2’] |
leaderboard with extra metrics#
モデルは eval_metric
で指定された指標によって評価されるが、いくつかの他の metric で評価したものを leaderboard に付与した結果テーブルを出力してくれる。
# Recompute leaderboard with extra metrics
extra_metrics = get_extra_metrics(predictor)
print(f"extra_metrics: {extra_metrics}")
leaderboard = predictor.leaderboard(train_data, extra_metrics=extra_metrics, silent=True)
flip_negative_scores(leaderboard, predictor), axis=None)
extra_metrics: ['roc_auc', 'log_loss', 'balanced_accuracy', 'f1', 'accuracy']
model |
score_test |
roc_auc |
log_loss |
balanced_accuracy |
f1 |
accuracy |
score_val |
pred_time_test |
pred_time_val |
fit_time |
pred_time_test_marginal |
pred_time_val_marginal |
fit_time_marginal |
stack_level |
can_infer |
fit_order |
0 |
LightGBMLarge_BAG_L1 |
0.969999 |
0.969999 |
0.272964 |
0.838886 |
0.791595 |
0.90142 |
0.828583 |
0.139757 |
0.090179 |
228.192318 |
0.139757 |
0.090179 |
228.192318 |
1 |
20 |
1 |
ExtraTreesGini_BAG_L1/T0 |
0.918672 |
0.918672 |
0.345563 |
0.760022 |
0.663194 |
0.842596 |
0.836334 |
0.134413 |
0.203219 |
0.645045 |
0.134413 |
0.203219 |
0.645045 |
1 |
15 |
2 |
ExtraTreesEntr_BAG_L1/T0 |
0.91664 |
0.91664 |
0.347596 |
0.76187 |
0.665516 |
0.842799 |
0.835924 |
0.119714 |
0.210507 |
0.656981 |
0.119714 |
0.210507 |
0.656981 |
1 |
16 |
3 |
XGBoost_BAG_L1/T0 |
0.903982 |
0.903982 |
0.366327 |
0.760819 |
0.661846 |
0.838742 |
0.831362 |
0.221817 |
0.234169 |
56.309953 |
0.221817 |
0.234169 |
56.309953 |
1 |
18 |
4 |
LightGBM_BAG_L1/T0 |
0.901289 |
0.901289 |
0.37698 |
0.740124 |
0.635987 |
0.839554 |
0.821932 |
0.100931 |
0.203394 |
42.258624 |
0.100931 |
0.203394 |
42.258624 |
1 |
2 |
5 |
RandomForestGini_BAG_L1/T0 |
0.888764 |
0.888764 |
0.375412 |
0.733232 |
0.62109 |
0.827992 |
0.841808 |
0.110949 |
0.18576 |
0.618246 |
0.110949 |
0.18576 |
0.618246 |
1 |
3 |
モデルは eval_metric
で指定された指標によって評価されるが、いくつかの他の metric で評価したものを leaderboard に付与した結果テーブルを出力してくれる。

Fig. 26 回帰の場合、Best Model の extra_metrics の値を可視化してくれる。#
extra_metrics: ['mean_squared_error', 'root_mean_squared_error', mean_absolute_percentage_error, 'r2', 'mean_absolute_error']
model |
score_test |
mean_squared_error |
root_mean_squared_error |
mean_absolute_percentage_error |
r2 |
mean_absolute_error |
score_val |
pred_time_test |
pred_time_val |
fit_time |
pred_time_test_marginal |
pred_time_val_marginal |
fit_time_marginal |
stack_level |
can_infer |
fit_order |
0 |
RandomForestMSE_BAG_L1/T0 |
-0.552165 |
0.304887 |
0.552165 |
0.069127 |
0.818738 |
0.45023 |
-0.668878 |
0.074119 |
0.112338 |
0.462881 |
0.074119 |
0.112338 |
0.462881 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
XGBoost_BAG_L2/T0 |
-0.566566 |
0.320997 |
0.566566 |
0.070469 |
0.80916 |
0.453708 |
-0.671653 |
6.546928 |
2.837787 |
396.600877 |
0.087601 |
0.026135 |
9.069155 |
2 |
29 |
2 |
RandomForestMSE_BAG_L2/T0 |
-0.578908 |
0.335134 |
0.578908 |
0.071518 |
0.800755 |
0.464212 |
-0.662229 |
6.533948 |
2.927716 |
388.252239 |
0.07462 |
0.116065 |
0.720517 |
2 |
20 |
3 |
WeightedEnsemble_L3 |
-0.579636 |
0.335978 |
0.579636 |
0.072412 |
0.800254 |
0.467344 |
-0.652238 |
8.427499 |
3.818912 |
500.734541 |
0.003424 |
0.00044 |
0.382673 |
3 |
32 |
4 |
CatBoost_BAG_L2/T1 |
-0.581173 |
0.337762 |
0.581173 |
0.072397 |
0.799193 |
0.468304 |
-0.657705 |
6.486438 |
2.836082 |
391.666523 |
0.027111 |
0.02443 |
4.134801 |
2 |
22 |
5 |
ExtraTreesMSE_BAG_L2/T0 |
-0.582704 |
0.339545 |
0.582704 |
0.072091 |
0.798133 |
0.466932 |
-0.657569 |
6.542868 |
2.935313 |
388.00333 |
0.083541 |
0.123661 |
0.471608 |
2 |
27 |